Compare Medicare Plans in Connecticut
This website is a resource for you to learn and understand better your Medicare options in Connecticut. Learning about the complexities of the available Medicare plans in your area, coupled with the uniqueness of your needs, can be overwhelming at times.
Get all the benefits you’re entitled to, while keeping within your budget
At Clear Medicare Options, we help people find what they need… by checking your prescriptions, your doctors, and other requirements, and then correlating that information to the Medicare plans offered in Connecticut - to make sure you get all the coverage you need, within your budget .We’ll make sure you have every extra – like dental, hearing aids, vision, gym memberships, and other programs - you’re entitled to.
We are a well established Medicare Insurance options provider with over ten years of experience, and have successfully guided thousands through the confusion of the Medicare maze. Don’t take chances with your coverage - get advice - from local, competent, licensed insurance agents, at no cost or obligation to enroll.

Helping People
Let us help you achieve peace of mind for the future and avoid unexpected healthcare costs, by choosing the right Medicare health plan for you.